Home Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth book now available
Cupcake got us official credentials, so we wouldn't have to pay to get in. Max forgot hers, but she slimed in with us anyway.
We couldn't find Cupcake and she was pissed, thinking we'd blown her off. When we hooked up later, she refused to believe that we ever showed up, so I bet her a dollar for every photo of Fake Wagner at the Highland Games.
I took only these two photos at the games. Wish I'd have taken more; could've paid for photo developing.

Cropped out of the right side of this photo: nudist Germans. Inexplicably, they were clothed.

Cupcake didn't stay mad forever. In fact, the next day she gave us commemorative medallions.
We found out later that our credentials entitled us both to free victuals and also to cut in front of the long lines. Damn.

But we didn't really have time, anyhow: we had an appointment to visit the amazing Self-Cleaning House.