Wagner Advance! Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth book now available

Hier ist WagnerLager!

I had sent the flags up with an earlier-arriving contigent (read: a contingent that was not goofy enough to attend two major events in two different states in a single weekend).

Check out the cool cuneiform design (which should be hanging 90 degrees clockwise from its position in the photo)--it's the earliest known occurrence (Lagash, Sumeria, 2300 B.C.), in any language, of a written word for freedom. (I stole it from a publisher who uses it as an endpaper design. I hope they won't sue me, though I doubt it, being reasonably sure this publisher wasn't around at the dawn of written language in order to establish a proprietary claim on cuneiform characters.)

©1996 deuce of clubs
Wagner Advance! Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth book now available