Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!
Here's Deuce of Clubs' revolutionary Analog Web Browser. You only think you've seen a point-and-click interface before ...
All a surfer had to do was point at one of the buttons (well, ok, and push it), which would then click as a small flap opened up to reveal an explanation of the link, and a number. Armed with this binder number, the websurfer would consult one of the notebook binders (not pictured) sitting right inside the booth, and -- voila! -- there would be found the requested web page(s) -- printout(s) of an actual page on the very Deuce of Clubs website you are browsing right now).
(Click the image to see an enlarged version.)
Below is a digital simulation of how the analog simulation of a digital website worked. More or less.

(Don't forget to come back here & finish reading the Burning Man story!)

Mighty Matt Gerson, Film Critic The Amy Grant's Mandible Website The History and Travels of Whip It Negativland Godfrey's Election Campaign How I Spent My Burn World Shut Your Mouth Dumbass in the Drink El Gran Juego de la Oca How to Build Your Own Island A Chat with Hasil Adkins What's Next with Bob Baxter Bigrig Industries Conducts Wagner Around Portland Herb Alpert Loves You Slim Whitman Una Paloma Blanca Contest World Wide Wagner Who Is Cockeye?? Wagner's Corporate Identity Page Celebrities, Psychos, Simpaticos Houston Art Car Weekend 98 Cherry Clan! Oracular Journey 666 The Devil's Cough Syrup A Conversation with Ute Lemper The Mojave Phone Booth Kardinaal Godfried Danneels The Pursuit of Liberty Sonic Outlaws Interview with Space Ghost Wagner on Mars My New Chew Toy Lori Petty Licks Wagner Sign Person Letter The Story of Duck Diapers Hemp Laurie Notaro's Article about Godfrey The Hills Are a Lie Wagner on Space Ghost Coast to Coast The All Spanking Show Superstition Mountain Climb Wagner Meets Dan Quayle This is Your Brain on Smart Drugs The Late Rainer Choco Tacos Mickey's Mantle WagnerKunst Farrah Fawcett the Artiste How I Spent My Burn Dick Dale Spacecraft or Lovecraft? A Demonstrated Aptitude for Reasonable Mayhem