Mojave Phone Booth -- Visit #4
Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!

Main Page

(How it all began)

(Casebier Call)

Visit 1: Aug97
(Burning Man)

Visit 2: Nov97
(Socal Trip)

Visit 3: Aug98
(Burning Man)

Visit 4: Apr99
(Booth Blizzard!)

Visit 5: Jul99
(Coming Soon)

Booth Mailbag
(Your Thoughts)

Press & Links

Satellite Image
of the Booth

Own Your
Own Booth

The Booth in
My Living Room

Have the cops arrived at the Booth? No. The "lights" are just my gas cans sitting on my truck behind the rental car.
Photo by Krishna

Photo by L
THIS is the cops. Or, at least, a Park Ranger.

But he's not writing any tickets. He had read about the Booth event in the LA Times, & he's signing the Whipped Cream & Other Delights album cover that all participants signed.

He had a good sense of humor. He had a uniform.

Photo by Krishna
I had a uniform, too. Mine had a glow-in-the-dark name, though.