Home Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth book now available
Saturday was Highland Games Day and Visit the Self-Cleaning House Day.

To commemorate, Max made gingerbread waffles, which we covered in marshmallow sauce.

"See the Ladies & Gentlemen and SAVE!" Strange sign at a car lot.
We stopped at one of my favorite places in Portland, Andy & Bax military surplus, to pick up riot helmets (complete with blast shields) for the upcoming Larry Harvey protest. Only five bucks!

Great Trees of Mystery! Why does a place that allows no returns or exhanges bother to give out receipts? And why is "no returns" in quotation marks?

Next we headed out toward Gresham to visit Cupcake at the Scottish Highland Games, which she did a GREAT job of organizing! Didn't she, gang? Didn't she?!?

(That's me trying to be supportive.)

Straight ahead, note Mt. Hood, which has not blown up yet.