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Incredible Christian Song Demos

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Totally how another crazy piece of religious music got started

Those Unbelievable Believers:
The Blessed Sounds of
Incredible Christian Song Demos

Brought to you by Deuce of Clubs

#11 — "Christ In Me Is To Live" (1:38)

Are you the praying sort? Pray that this one is a joke. I mean, it's a joke, all right, but you know what I mean.

Yes, it's another song about the Rapture—this time, as understood by the nutjob character played by Mimi Rogers in the film The Rapture. As Darbyite theology, it's surprisingly sound. As Pauline theology, probably much less sound. As music, it could stand to sound a whole lot better.

Still, if you get only one song stuck in your head today, make it this one. Think how uplifted you'll feel, standing there in the grocery checkout line, mumbling:

"Kill me, kill me, kill me
Kill me, kill me, kill me. . . ."

(Right-click to download this song)

Christ in me is to live
But to die would be to gain
He's everything that I am
Life without Him just wouldn't be the same

Christ in me is to live
But to die would be to gain
Oh, He's everything that I am
Life without Him just wouldn't be the same

So kill me, kill me, kill me
Kill me, kill me, kill me
Now I'm dead
Now I'm dead

Kill me, kill me, kill me
Kill me, kill me, kill me
Now I'm dead
Now I'm dead
To sin

Totally how another crazy piece of religious music got started

To Deuce of Clubs