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Incredible Christian Song Demos

Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!


Totally how another crazy piece of religious music got started

Those Unbelievable Believers:
The Blessed Sounds of
Incredible Christian Song Demos

Brought to you by Deuce of Clubs

#22 — "Thank You, God" (1:28)

• Most likely not inspired by dialogue from Animal House.

• Strangely similar to the music of the Danielson Famile.

• If the Danielsons became chanting Tibetan monks.

• Profoundly tone-deaf Tibetan monks.

(Right-click to download this song)

Thank you, God
Thank you, God
We praise You, Jesus
We magnify Your Holy Name
We bless You
We thank You
We worship You
We bow down before You
We give all we have
To You

Totally how another crazy piece of religious music got started

To Deuce of Clubs